Friday, April 22, 2016

Basic inspiration Tips

Share your weight loss journey with a friend

Find that one thing to keep you on track a new bikini maybe keep it hanging where you will constantly see it.

Check out the local gym you can not stay thin by diet alone

Do not let yourself be tempted learn to say no or walk away

Cut out a picture of a person you want to emulate an actress maybe

If you like to read and find an inspiration in words, cut it out and post it on the fridge

Maybe you found a song lyric that hit a note in you - keep playing it

Do you like movies- find one that has an actor you can relate to and watch itover and over

Talk to a person who has been there- they might have one thing that will click for you

Never give up- you can do it as long as you believe you can

Got a reunion coming up- keep the invitation hanging on the fridge

Take lots of pictures at the reunion-your slim friends will keep you on track

Get your own thin inspiration - buy that dress you love in a size too small

Stay away from fads - a picture of you in your new bikini is better

Do not starve yourself - it usually leads to binge eating

Eat healthy foods - they taste better

If you slide one time forgive yourself then get back on track

Never say never - you can do it

Stay inspired by the new you to keep it off

Change one thing at a time and you will stay thin for the rest of your life

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